JP & Luis

The most romantic and Stunning same-sex wedding in Puerto Vallarta, this couple came from Chicago to make their wedding with the most beautiful details and with the company of all their family and friends, for us was a pleasure to help them to make their dreams come true, we love you guys and thank you for trust in Vallarta Wedding Planners


Recuerdo mi primer email que te mande y te pregunte si habías hecho una boda igualitaria. Me dijiste que no pero que te encantaría.

Te ganaste nuestra confianza en nuestro primer skype y hace una semana hiciste la boda de nuestros sueños una realidad. Aún no lo puedo creer. Realmente fue un labor de amor de todas partes.

Me sigo despertando con una sonrisa sabiendo que todo salió perfecto.

Como te dije, realmente tienes un gran talento para esto y te luces. Recibimos tantos comentarios sobre la excelente atención a detalle. Muchos honestamente diciendo que fue la mejor boda de su vida!

Nos vamos de Puerto Vallarta hoy pero te quedas con parte de nuestro corazón. Te apreciamos tanto y con todo el amor del mundo te decimos que tienes tu casa en Chicago.

Un gran abrazo y beso!

JP y Luis


I remember the Firts email I sent you, and I Asked if you had  ever done a same Gender Wedding, and you said  No, but i would love to.

You won our trust and confidence on our Firts Skype, and a week ago you made the wedding of our Dreams a reality.  I still can´t believe it.  It was  really a Labour of  Love on all aspects.

I am still waking  up with a smile on my Face,  knowing that everything turned out perfect.

Like I told you, you really have a Great talent for what you do, and you shine at it. We have received so many comments about the attention to detail.  Many, honestly saying that it  was the best Wedding in their Lifetime¡

We are now leaving Puerto Vallarta today, but we leave you part of our Heart. We appreciate you so much, and with all the love in the world, we say, You Have a Home in Chicago.

A Great Hug and Kiss¡

JP & Luis