Same Sex Weddings in Puerto Vallarta

Love knows no age or beauty
Love knows no rich or poor
Love knows no religion or race
Love knows no straight or gay
Love knows no boundary or reason
Love knows no distance or time
Love knows only the rapid beating of a giving heart sublime

– by poet Charmaine Chircop

Planning & coordinating your same-sex wedding in Puerto Vallarta is an Honor for Vallarta Wedding Planners. Please contact us , and will let you Know the Best Options for the Ceremony, and of course for the Party

LGBTQ Wedding – Law in México

As of the 17th of May 2016, the President of México, Enrique Pena Nieto determined nationwide the institution of “Marriage without Discrimination”, where marriage between people of the same sex are legal in certain States of the country, and requires all judges to follow this favorable criteria (with all due protections), except for the states that have not yet legalized such marriages.

Today, they are legal in the City of México, Quintana Roo, Chihuahua, Coahuila de Zaragoza , Nayarit, Jalisco, Sonora, Campeche,  Michoacán de Morelos to enjoy all the benefits and obligations.

Vallarta Wedding  Planners will make sure that all the required documentation is processed correctly in a proper and  timely manner.

For Further information on Same sex  Marriages in México, Please contact us.